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By clicking on the following links you can download compressed videos that show Subeasy (a subtitling editing tool provided by LCC and adapted for the purposes of MUSA) in rehearse mode with subtitles in English, French, and Greek:

Demo videos
First VersionFinal Version

The subtitles loaded in each demo are the result of processing by the first and the final versions of the MUSA functional prototype, i.e.

  • Transcript-audio alignment by the Speech Component (K.U.Leuven/ESAT)
  • Subtitle Constraint Calculation and Condensation (ILSP, CNTS)
  • Machine Translation and Translation Memory integration for generation of EL and FR subtitles (SYSTRAN and ILSP)
  • Subtitle editing for EN, EL, FR (ILSP)
MUSA resulted in the creation of a multilingual (English, Greek, French) and multimodal (video, text) corpus that amounts 120 hours. The corpus is Parallel in terms of subtitles and their translations; and comparable regarding the transcriptions and the subtitles. You can download a sample of the corpus (subtitles and transcripts corresponding to a BBC Panorama Documentary) from here.

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