Personal tools

Workshop presentations

The folder contains all paper presentations that were given at the workshop
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation Workshop Introduction - Piperidis
One of the organisers of the workshop gives an introduction to the event and the topic of cross-media decision mechanisms for accessing multimedia documents.
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation PrestoSpace - Tablan
"Multimedia Semantic Analysis in the PrestoSpace Project" - presented by V. Tablan.
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation Cross-Document Coreference - Tomadaki
"Cross-Document Coreference for Cross-Media Film Indexing" - presented by E. Tomadaki
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation Cross-Media Indexing - Crestani
"Cross-Media Indexing in the Reveal-This System" - presented by F. Crestani.
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation iFinder - Koehler
"The iFinder audio-visual indexing framework for cross media applications" - by J. Koehler.
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation Content monitoring and Production - Rehatschek
"Cross Media Aspects in the Areas of Media Monitoring and Content Production" - by H. Rehatschek
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation X-Media - Iria
"Knowledge Sharing and Reuse across Media" - presented by J. Iria
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation BOEMIE - Karkaletsis
"Representation and Analysis of Multimedia Content: The BOEMIE Proposal" - presented by V. Karkaletsis
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation Multimedia Summarization - Georgantopoulos
"Cross-media summarization in a retrieval setting" - presented by B. Georgantopoulos
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation Media mining - deJong
"From Media Crossing to Media Mining" - F. de Jong